Can I get a trial version?
You can try our add-ons for free. The add-on may stop working after a certain time of usage or limit the available features for free.
What is the price?
The pricing is based on a yearly subscription model. This means you only pay when you use the functionality.
The price for the add-on, per user, per year is 1 US dollar / 1 Euro. You start your subscription in the add-on and you can also cancel your subscription via the add-on or via mail to finance@123-kiss.com.
Special pricing remarks:
It is possible to get a domain licence. Every user in your domain can then use the add-on.
It is possible to obtain a copy of the code. Doing so you can run it as a private add-on in your domain.
There is no discount for Education domains or Government domains.
Contact us at sales@123-kiss.com
How do I get support?
All functions are described in a manual. The manual (in Google Docs™) can be found in the menu of the Add-on it self, or via the product page on this website.
If you still need some help, you can contact us and we will help you out. You can contact us via mail (support@123-kiss.com) or via our contact form. Based on your question a support fee may be applicable. If a support fee is required we will inform you up front. See also our Support page.
User data policy
Add-ons have several security and privacy aspects. Our add-ons / App’s use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements. You can find an more in depth overview on our security page and our privacy statement. Still questions or remarks? Contact us!
Buttons are not working
If you're logged into multiple Google Accounts at the same time, you might have trouble using the add-ons. This is confirmed in the Google documentation.
To fix issues from multi-login, try one of the following solutions:
Open in Google Chrome an incognito window, or an equivalent private browsing window in the browser of your choice. Log in to the Google Account that has the add-on installed. The buttons should work now.
Create a Google Chrome user profile per Google Account. This will prevent a lot of issues, among others this issue. See Google documentation on how to create a Chrome profile.
Log out of all your Google Accounts and only log in to the one that has the add-on you need to access. The buttons should work now.